Getting Started

Installing Tangram

To install Tangram, make sure you have PyTorch and scanpy installed. If you need more details on the dependences, look at the environment.yml file.

Install Tangram from shell:

pip install tangram-sc

Running Tangram

Cell Level

To install Tangram, make sure you have PyTorch and scanpy installed. If you need more details on the dependences, look at the environment.yml file.

Install tangram-sc from shell:

pip install tangram-sc

Import tangram:

import tangram as tg

Then load your spatial data and your single cell data (which should be in AnnData format), and pre-process them using tg.pp_adatas:

ad_sp = sc.read_h5ad(path)
ad_sc = sc.read_h5ad(path)
tg.pp_adatas(ad_sc, ad_sp, genes=None)

The function pp_adatas finds the common genes between adata_sc, adata_sp, and saves them in two adatas.uns for mapping and analysis later. Also, it subsets the intersected genes to a set of training genes passed by genes. If genes=None, Tangram maps using all genes shared by the two datasets. Once the datasets are pre-processed we can map:

ad_map = tg.map_cells_to_space(ad_sc, ad_sp)

The returned AnnData, ad_map , is a cell-by-voxel structure where ad_map.X[i, j] gives the probability for cell i to be in voxel j. This structure can be used to project gene expression from the single cell data to space, which is achieved via tg.project_genes:

ad_ge = tg.project_genes(ad_map, ad_sc)

The returned ad_ge is a voxel-by-gene AnnData, similar to spatial data ad_sp, but where gene expression has been projected from the single cells. This allows to extend gene throughput, or correct for dropouts, if the single cells have higher quality (or more genes) than single cell data. It can also be used to transfer cell types onto space.

For more details on how to use Tangram check out our tutorial.

Colab Tutorial

Cluster Level

To enable faster training and consume less memory, Tangram mapping can be done at cell cluster level.

Prepare the input data as the same you would do for cell level Tangram mapping. Then map using following code:

ad_map = tg.map_cells_to_space(

Provided cluster_label must belong to ad_sc.obs. Above example code is to map at subclass_label level, and the subclass_label is in ad_sc.obs.

To project gene expression to space, use tg.project_genes and be sure to set the cluster_label argument to the same cluster label in mapping:

ad_ge = tg.project_genes(